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Add your local spots and spread the dream. Wiki = collaborative website, "fast" in Hawaiian, "What I Know Is", evolution on acid ;-D
Swirling round the hemispheres massive, zonal, rotating systems of air - Polar, Hadley and Ferrel Cells feed the jet streams, trades and prevailing winds. Ferrel cells lie between 30-60 degrees latitude, supplying Europe, North America & East Asia plus our Antipodean & South American cousins.
Learn where's best to plug into these winds, when to go, what kit to take with you and how to plan the trip.
Kitesurfing has seen exponential growth and development since its emergence and fringe years less than a decade ago. There's a need for us to communicate, document our sessions, dreams and philosophies, give advice and warnings to newbys, nurture new talent and sustain those living vicariously in non-coastal cities.
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Here are some videos to show you how to edit pages, so easy. For a more in depth guide see here. To create a new page just type its name in the box below and write. It'll immediately show up in the A–Z index from the main banner above and be searchable. Add a link to it from a 'Category' page below.
Upload as many photos as you want (unlimited bandwidth 2MB file max) and embed videos from Google video or blip.tv etc. Link to these in your articles.
Add your local knowledge or folklore from Kitebeach, Tarifa or Gwithian or wherever you were last weekend in the Locations section. Kit of course, always a big investment, feel free to put your thoughts on what works for you and what doesn't. Are honeysoft Nobile boards and Bows the way forward? (I personally think so ;-D)
This sport is still so new, many beaches are virgin and coasts unridden, or maybe you carved them up last weekend - let other kiters know about it. Where's the best kitesurf destination for conditions for each month of the year? Is there a solution to my ribs getting crushed by the harness every session? Whatever. Use the technology and let the dream grow, look what happened to Wikipedia, from nothing to one of the most popular sites in the world in a few years!